Algoritma dan Struktur Data : Merge Sort dan Quick Sort

Algoritma dan Struktur Data : Merge Sort dan Quick Sort

Divide & Conquer

General Plan

Divide the problem into a number of sub-problems ideally of about equal size. Sub-problem: smaller instances of the same problem.

Conquer the sub-problems: solving them (typically) recursively. If the sizes are small enough: solve the sub-problems in a straightforward manner (or using different algorithm).

If necessary, the solutions to the sub-problems are combined to get a solution to the original problem



  • Easy to model
  • Parallelizable
  • Efficient
  • Powerful for difficult problems

Merge Sort


Given an array A of n elements:

Divide : Divide the n-element sequence to be sorted into two sub-sequences of n/2 elements each.
Conquer : Sort the two sub-sequences recursively using merge sort.
Combine : Merge the two sorted sub-sequences to produce the sorted answer.



Running Time


  • Not difficult to implement
  • Works well for a variety kinds of input data
  • Substantially faster in typical application
  • In-place


Given an array A[p..r]

Divide :

Partition the array A[p..r] into two (possibly empty) subarrays :
  • A[p..q-1] : each element is <= A[q]
  • A[q+1..r] : each element is > A[q]
Compute the index q (pivot).

Conquer: Sort both subarrays by recursive calls to quicksort

Combine: The subarrays are already sorted, the entire array A[p..r] is now sorted



Running Time

Running time of Quicksort depends on the partitioning :

Worst-case partitioning : Partitioning produces one subproblem with n-1 elements and one with 0 elements.

Best case partitioning: Partitioning produces two subproblems, each of size no more than n/2

Randomized Partitioning

Try to avoid the worst-case partitioning by chosen the pivot randomly :

With randomized partitioning, expected running time of quicksort : O(n lg⁡n)


Slide ASD : MergeSort dan QuickSort

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